Higher Human Biology - OLD - BUT CHECK AS HAD CONFUSION !!

Here is a link to quite a number of resources from Education Scotland for the new CfE Higher Human Biology course :

The SQA Arrangements document 
For the Human Biology Course

Practise Quiz questions for Higher Human Biology
From the excellent Oronsay B+B site on Mull !

eChalk - a Very Good Site with good images of cells and also Good animations of meiosis etc.
Lots to investigate :


(You might even want to subscribe to this site for the year to help with your studying)


  • Life Expectancy  An interesting video about the changes in life expectancy in 200 countries - well worth watching from a very entertaining Swedish Statistician Hans Rosling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo
Human Cells

1 Division and differentiation in human cells

Animated Interactive Cell - very nice !


Different Types of Cells


Parts of a Cell Flashcards

Have a look at them and then why not test yourself !


2 Structure and replication of DNA


DNA has a double helix structure but this was only discovered in the 1950s. This discovery led to three scientists, Watson, Crick and Wilkins gaining a Nobel prize in 1962. However another scientist, Rosalind Franklin, had carried out much of the research leading to this discovery. For background reading you might like to read these articles, (not completely essential for Higher Biology but interesting background reading and awareness of the recent history of science). It is so very recently that DNA structure was realised, and so many scientific advances and discoveries have then been possible as a result of this.
A couple of articles about the Story of Rosalind Franklin and her X-ray chromatography to find the structure of DNA :

Details of DNA structure at 3' and 5' ends
You need to know what is at 3' end and 5' end of DNA so have a good look at the structure here :

DNA Replication - Leading Strand and Lagging Strand animation

3 Gene expression

4 Genes and proteins in health and disease

Point Mutations Within Gene causing Incorrect Protein to form

with example of Haemoglobin in Sickle Cell Anaemia

Sickle cell anaemia
Inherited condition

5 Human genomics

6 Metabolic pathways

7 Cellular respiration

Unit 2 Revision from BBC Bitesize 

Sodium Potassium Pump

Simple animation

Genetic Control - Jacob - Monod Hypothesis
E.Coli - lactose metabolism
A good video - tells you just a little bit more about the theory than you need but it helps to understand how cleverly evolved bacteria are in how they manage to use lactose as a food supply if they find some in their environment.


Krebs Cycle

The last stage : Electron Transport Chain
The proton pump (H+ ions and ATP Synthase)
A nice animation :

Measuring Metabolic Rate
Different methods possible - some more accurate than others and some easier to carry out !


VO2 Max Measurement
Interesting video showing the stages of VO2 Max testing on a treadmill

8 Energy systems in muscle cells

How Muscles Work

Actin and Myosin - Click on the "Contract" button on page 3 of this article to see a simple animation. Compare it with the diagram in the main Torrance text book to see which parts are the Actin, Myosin etc.

Physiology and Health

1 The structure and function of reproductive organs and gametes and their role in fertilisation

2 Hormonal control of reproduction

Ovary diagram - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Order_of_changes_in_ovary.svg
On this wikipedia page is an interesting picture from Gray's Anatomy (a famous anatomy book) - a drawing of the Corpus luteum and different stages in egg production in an ovary - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_luteum

An excellent resource about hormones here - has an animation about the influence of the human sex hormones on the human female menstrual cycle but also looks at some other hormones such as insulin, growth hormone etc that we need to know about as well. Includes some nice drag and drop quizzes. Has a bit at the end about plant hormones which is not in Human Biology but comes into Higher Biology !

3 The biology of controlling fertility

4 Ante- and postnatal screening

Blood Types - A, B and AB

Try the quick game and see if you can chose the right blood type to transfuse to these patients !

5 The structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins
Nice short video of 1 minute:
6 The structure and function of the heart

Cardiac cycle
Nice short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tUWOF6wEnk

Nice animation and a bit of a quiz to try-

A bit painful to listen to but a good explanation of cardiac cycle graph:

Atrial Fibrillation / Heart Beat / Sinus node (Sino-atrial node)

A Mind Map on Exercise and the Heart etc.
Print this out or create a similar one of your own.

A Mind Map on Effect of Training ! 
Looks like its a good idea !

Coronary Artery Disease / Atherosclerosis


CVD risk factors exercise : http://moodle.nks.kent.sch.uk/mod/page/view.php?id=2937

Calculating Cholesterol

Artery Explorer Video


A Doctor discusses risk factors for atherosclerosis

Measuring Metabolic Rate
Different methods possible - some more accurate than others and some easier to carry out !

VO2 Max Measurement
Interesting video showing the stages of VO2 Max testing on a treadmill

some more if you want to read further: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/health_and_fitness/4291516.stm

7 Pathology of cardio vascular disease (CVD)

The Liver
A mind map of what the liver does :

Fat Digestion

An animation of fat digestion - quite a nice animation. There are more words used here than you need for Higher Human Biology so don't panic about those you don't know but listen out for bile, small intestine, micelles, lipoprotein, triglycerides, fatty acids, lipase, lacteal. (you might not recognise the word chime - an acidic mixture of partially digested food which leaves the stomach and passes into the small intestine)
Click here to see the animation

Here is another small step-through animation http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp50/5002001.html


8 Blood glucose levels and obesity

The Kidney

My diagram to attempt to further explain where exactly water, salts, urea etc get re-absorbed while passing through the kidneys :


Neurobiology and Communication

1  Divisions of the nervous system and parts of the brain

Animation of ADH affects water levels,, with water levels initially detected by sensory neurones:

Homeostasis - including a test :

2 Perception and memory

Behaviour - Pavlov's Dog Experiment http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/pavlov/

3 The cells of the nervous system and neurotransmitters at synapses

Nerve signalling

4 Communication and social behaviour

Immunology and Public Health

1 Non-specific defences

2 Specific cellular defences

3 The transmission and control of infectious diseases

Viruses photographed by Electron Microscope


The Scale of Cells, Bacteria and Viruses etc.

A nice interactive example to show the scale of various things like cells and viruses :

4 Active immunisation and vaccination and the evasion of specific immune response by pathogens

Vaccination - a history of vaccination against the Smallpox virus.

A fascinating history of vaccination. Mostly for background reading but interesting all the same. People understood about immunity against viruses from very early dates in India and China and elsewhere too. Very interesting !

Viruses and Cellular Defense in Animals and Plants

This BBC Bitesize section includes a nice animation of Phagocytosis :

The Immune System - an excellent resource on the Immune system from the Science Museum: http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/WhoAmI/FindOutMore/Yourbody/Whatdoesyourimmunesystemdo.aspx

The Immune System Some detail about T cells and B cells in immune system - a light hearted and interesting presentation of this complex subject!

and from the Science Museum - more about T and B cells- http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/WhoAmI/FindOutMore/Yourbody/Whatdoesyourimmunesystemdo/Howdoesyourimmunesystemwork/WhatdoT-andB-cellsdo.aspx


Extra link :
not quite sure yet where to put this link in ...

You will come across the term pinocytosis as one of the ways the placenta manages to get nutrients across to the baby. Pinocytosis is basically similar to phagocytosis which takes place in white blood cells or the other term endocytosis. Pinocytosis is sometimes called "cell drinking" and the nutrient which is brought into the cell starts off in a vesicle - this animation tells you a bit more about this term "pinocytosis" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InG6xF9D4EM


I 'm Jen Wilson and I tutor  Chemistry, Biology and Human Biology  at Higher and Advanced Higher  in Scotland.    Tutoring Subjects ...